This site is for the final stage in the Puean teacher development process: final reflection. It contains a wealth of information about teaching in Thailand.

Key Words for Each Post Type
Teaching Before and After
beliefs about grammar challenge clear instruction communicative activities contents Deep learning Enjoy class explanation flexibility input interesting topics Motivation (CI) non-native Output activity Systematic way To allstudents understand students
Beliefs Before and After
All English class communicative activities (beliefs) english only enough input good example Hearing skill keep students involved motivation praising small steps The balance between input and output
WorldView Before and After
body language communicating with non-Japanese communication consideration culture danger difference easy English (w) English inportance Environmental issues Feeling over language Greeting try to tell use English Water ways to communicate with others Work life balance Worker
Critical Incidents
add some activities challenging task change of pace changes in my practice changes in my practice and changes in my understanding of the school (students) changes in my practice changes in my understanding of engaging topics changes in my understanding of the school (students cut some activities demonstration (CI) difficulty of doing communicative activities easy English education system eliciting enough input and output flexibility (CI) funny topics Gesture gestures and demonstrations getting students to speak English guessing how to make groups input (CI) interaction interesting class interesting topics (CI) match worksheet and powerpoint motivate Repeating student-center teaching a multi-level class The purpose of instruction understanding how students do an activity using Thai in the class